Events Scheduled For Wednesday, February 19, 2025
- CoffeeandConversation
- Host: Didsbury Historical Society
- Description: Volunteers with the Didsbury and District Historical Society are all about having fun and love to host events and activities throughout the year that help us honour our Vision, which is to celebrate our heritage through interactive adventure and learning experiences. Held the third Wednesday of the month, Coffee and Conversation is one of the most popular monthly events in Didsbury, as people gather at the museum to visit with each other, and to learn about the history of our town, and the individuals who have made our county so rich and beautiful. This month's special guest speaker is Lyndsay Wasko, an Alberta-based artist, designer, and author/illustrator. Lyndsay grew up in Didsbury and brings an unique blend of expertise to a variety of creative projects. You may remember meeting Lyndsay when author, Maxine Spence, asked her to illustrate her book, Down in the Jungle. She was also one of the local artists commissioned to design the poster for one of the Mountain View Arts Festivals - remember the artistic Viking who could sew a quilt a paint a picture?! She will have some merchandise on hand as well. Everyone is welcome to come, chat, enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea, and explore the Museum. Coffee and Conversation runs from 1 - 3 pm. This is a free event, but donations to the Museum are gratefully accepted, as they do help us "keep the lights on". The Museum is located at 2110 21st Avenue.
- Location: Didsbury Museum, 2110 - 21 Ave - 1 - 3 pm
- Contact: Dawn Stewart - Phone: 403-335-9295 - E-mail:
- Calendars: Didsbury Community Calendar
- Nerf Wars
- Host: Didsbury FCSS
- Description: School's Out!! Registration now open for NERF WARS! Bring your own nerf gun or borrow one of ours! Space is limited. Registration is required as space is limited. Email or call 403-335-7161. Provide your child's name, age, and emergency contact. Eye protection is encouraged but not required. Hosted by Didsbury Municipal Library, FCSS, Youth Empowerment and Support (YES), and Family Resource Centre.
- Location: Westglen Middle School, 2405-23rd Avenue, Didsbury - 1 - 3 pm
- Contact: Shannon Wilcox - Phone: 403-335-7161 - E-mail:
- Calendars: Didsbury Community Calendar
- Roller Disco
- Host: Town of Didsbury Events and Programming
- Description: The ice may be gone, but the skating fun remains! Get your (roller/in-line) skates ready! Lace up your in-line skates or dust off your old roller boots and bring your friends and family along for great time with lights, music, hot dogs, and skating! A great way to spend your Wednesday evening during Winter Break. Pay at the door $5/person (includes hot dog and drink) or $20/family
- Location: Didsbury Memorial Complex, 1702 - 21st Avenue - 5 - 7 pm
- Contact: Lisa Bastarache, Communications Coordinator - Phone: 403-335-3391 - E-mail:
- Calendars: Didsbury Community Calendar
- Chair Yoga
- Host: Didsbury FCSS
- Description: Friends Through Fitness Wednesdays in February. Free Drop-In Video Chair Yoga/Seated Fitness. Bring a water bottle and get ready for some relaxation and bonding while bending, stretching and gentle workouts. No floor work is performed. All movements are seated, or standing with optional chair support.
- Location: Didsbury Neighbourhood Place, 1606 - 14th Street - 10:30 am - 11:30 am
- Contact: Shannon Wilcox - Phone: 403-335-7161 - E-mail:
- Calendars: Didsbury Community Calendar
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