Cremona Community Events Calendar
Rules of Participation Events Calendar Community Group Sign Up
Community Group Sign Up
The Village of Cremona maintains this Community Events Calendar as a service to the Community. In order to post events hosted by your group or organization on this Community Events Calendar your group or organization must first apply to the Village of Cremona for posting privileges.

The objective of the Village of Cremona in making this Community Calandar available to the public is to provide a single-site source for all events and activities being hosted in Cremona. It is not intended to be an advertising vehicle for private commercial ventures. As such, posting privileges will be awarded to community service groups who historically host events of interest to the entire community.

Applying for approval from the Village of Cremona is a very simple process. All you have to do is complete and submit the form below or send an e-mail to the Village of Cremona at requesting posting privileges to post events hosted by your group on the Community Events Calendar. In your request you must include: the official name of your group or organization, an official contact representing your group or organization and their official position, a phone number for the official contact and an e-mail address for the official contact.

Upon reviewing your request, if approved, the Village of Cremona will issue you an access address via e-mail which will allow you to post events hosted by your group on the Community Events Calendar. If your request is not approved, you will receive an e-mail explaining why your request was not approved.

Event postings on the Village of Cremona Community Events Calendar are monitored. By submitting your request for use of the Community Events Calendar you are agreeing to the "Rules of Participation" as posted on the Community Events Calendar webpage. Noncompliance with the "Rules of Participation" will result in suspension of access to post events hosted by your group on the Community Events Calendar.

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Approval Application
Organization Name
Contact Person
Contact Phone (999-999-9999)
Contact E-Mail

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